Project: Al Ain Water – Mobile app
Client: Al Ain Pitch
Company: EPAM
Date: May 2023
Skills used: Journey mapping, UX design, Ideation, AI, Wirframes, Story telling
The Project: Creating a vision for Al Ain water. Looking at how we can help user plan their future water consumption and adjust their orders depending on activities and events users may have to hot spells where they may need a little more.
SAfter meeting the strategy team, and seeing teh research that had taken place on this sector, we ran a set of ideation workshops to get everyones ideas.
I then took these and created a journey map to show the story and flow the user would go through. This allowed us to nail down the tech and screens we wanted to show at a particular point in the journey. Giving us a great place to start when creating wireframes and setting out the slides we would need in a presentation deck.

Initial ideas and wireframes
Using the journey map I started to draw out the wireframes need to tell this party of the story. Drawing out as many screens as possible and fleshing them out to the full page. This then allowed us to sit down as a team and pick the part of the page we need to show in the presentation, saving the UI team time and allowing them to focus on specific areas..

Refining the wiresframes
Using the journey map I started to draw out the wireframes need to tell this party of the story. Drawing out as many screens as possible and fleshing them out to the full page. This then allowed us to sit down as a team and pick the part of the page we need to show in the presentation, saving the UI team time and allowing them to focus on specific areas.

Final UI and pitch deck
Working with the UI designer to decide what screens we wanted to show and what areas and layout helped to tell the story.